星期四, 9月 22, 2005


忙里偷閒,放了張自己的殘樣照在 Profile,也放了一個時鐘,更放了一個人數計錶,抄抄貼貼的,就那么簡單。這個 Blogger 真好用,真是"出得廳堂入得廚房" ,構圖美又容易操作,難怪惡魔左手人也把他的 Blog 搬了過來。你還沒有自己的 Blog?在這里弄一個準沒錯。

3 則留言:

lefty 提到...

What do u mean "er mo"? Dang you, Low Zee Chong, a French man who can't stand escargot! Heheheh...

lefty 提到...

U kno what I like most about out weblog circle? Its like suddenly, we all connected again. We talk shit about each other like we used to when we were in the same studio. I like.

Dang U, huat kok tuu!

Kusou 提到...
